Our Story

Hello, its me Alivia, the face behind Home Nest Candles. Let me tell you a little bit about myself and the inspriation behind Home Nest Candles.
Being a candle maker isn't my only job. First and foremost I am a mom of two wild and farm loving boys and a sweet baby girl. With having kids and especially boys, my home can somewhat be chaotic and dare I mention a bit smelly!
I would often light a candle to reset my mood, create peace in my home and to try and make things smell a bit better.
That's when the idea hit me! I want to make my own candles that are safe to burn around my littles with fragrances that connect to our families memories.
So the beginning stages of Home Nest candles formed, and the visions started to grow.
My husband and I, along with our three kids, recently moved to small town western Kansas. It is here that I stay home with my babies and enjoy the blessings of motherhood and creating all the things that smell good.
This past year, we made our biggest adventure and leap of faith by moving back to our hometown in Kansas. We have been blessed with the opportunity to build out on my husbands family farm and continue to live the lifestyle of farming. Our family is excited to instill the value of hardwork in our boys and live on the beautiful land God created.
Home Nest Candles was established as a creative outlet to give myself a little purpose outside of home. It was a way to connect with others and bring peace and comfort into your homes. As much as I love designing and testing out new candles for you all to enjoy, the connections I have made and stories you have shared about our products is the biggest blessing.
Thank you so much for stopping in to get to know us.
With love,